(303) 877-7040

I officiated at a wedding in early October, right after the severe floods in Colorado.  Evergreen wasn’t immune to the flooding, but somehow the beautiful spot right next to the creek at Brook Forest Inn was spared.

Photos by All Digital Photo & Video

Photos by All Digital Photo & Video

The wedding ceremony included two symbols made specifically for this couple.  They had a honey bee theme, because Jeff’s nickname for Andra.  I sewed a cloth with a honey bee pattern on it, to hold under their hands during the vows; the honey bee fabric was also used for the pouch that held their keepsake copy of the ceremony.  The cloth that held their hands during the ceremony will also be on their dining table for future meals together, to wrap bread in….possibly bread made by this couple because they both like to cook.  The bride and groom had also put together a jar with sand and stones and shells from places they had visited, to remind them of their past and future together.49856445-AJ0335 - me and Jeff and Andra 2

Congratulations to Andra and Jeff and may you have many happy years together!