(303) 877-7040

Wisdom from the Trail

I like my clients to know something about me.  I wrote these words part-way through a 175-mile trek through the desert and Gila River canyon in New Mexico in May 2018. This expresses a lot about why I carve out time to rise early and hike long distances each year....

Why we go to the mountains…

It’s in our nature to connect to some places on this earth — deeply, to our bones — and to hold the stories of experiences there very close to our hearts.  It’s why I hike in the mountains, and choose to climb to the top of the Continental...

We are all pilgrims. Who will we meet?

I heard words this summer that became my mantra during many hours of hiking — mostly in the West Collegiate Range of Colorado, but recently, in Montana with my daughter Grete and son-in-law Zach. Those words seem to me to fit this series of pictures, taken on a...

News! Diane is a new graduate

In January, Diane achieved her Masters Certification as a Life-Cycle Celebrant — the highest level of certification by the Celebrant Foundation & Institute.  As of 2016, she is the only Celebrant in Colorado and the entire Rocky Mountain Region to have...

Transitions Always Involve Stories

Behind every wedding, every graduation, every birth, every milestone achievement, every new job, every retirement, every move to a new home, every memorial service…there is a story. And one of the simplest but most significant ways we can honor someone and the...