(303) 877-7040

I heard words this summer that became my mantra during many hours of hiking — mostly in the West Collegiate Range of Colorado, but recently, in Montana with my daughter Grete and son-in-law Zach. Those words seem to me to fit this series of pictures, taken on a trail outside Whitefish, Montana, in Jewel Basin. “We’re all on a pilgrimage. Who will you meet on the trail, and what will you say to them?” We came upon this mama goat by surprise, and were more surprised that she approached us as close as she did. We backed off the trail into the brush to let her pass, while telling her softly that we meant no harm. Good words to consider — who have we each “met on the trail” and what have we said to them?  I’m making an extra effort to keep these words in mind when I work, when I hike, and wherever I may be.

Goat 1 - Copy Goat 2 - Copy Goat 3 - Copy