(303) 877-7040

News! Diane is a new graduate

In January, Diane achieved her Masters Certification as a Life-Cycle Celebrant — the highest level of certification by the Celebrant Foundation & Institute.  As of 2016, she is the only Celebrant in Colorado and the entire Rocky Mountain Region to have...

Transitions Always Involve Stories

Behind every wedding, every graduation, every birth, every milestone achievement, every new job, every retirement, every move to a new home, every memorial service…there is a story. And one of the simplest but most significant ways we can honor someone and the...

Colorado Trail Completed!

On July 26, 2015, I completed hiking the Colorado Trail — a 486-mile route from Denver to Durango.  I had started on April 7, 2012, in hopes of hiking the trail little-by-little each hiking season and completing it before my 60th birthday.  Done!  I’m so...

New Book Release

Great news!  An article by Diane is included in this newly released book. Life-Cycle Ceremonies: A Handbook for Your Whole Life is a compilation of ceremonies and rituals written by experienced Certified Life-Cycle Celebrants® from all over the world, who share their...