(303) 877-7040

bride groom arms

Events marking big transitions in life often produce emotion. Perhaps no event produces more emotion than a wedding. How do you keep the family pot of emotions from “boiling over” at a big event in life, and experience the day with joy?

 Here are my suggestions:

 1) Remember the purpose is to marry two people who found each other in this crazy world and love each other. Central to the celebration should be the story behind how two people fell in love. Life-Cycle Celebrants are trained in telling the story with grace, consistent with the couple’s beliefs and intentions.

 2) Be grateful. Gratitude is closely tied to joy. The ceremony should feature an abundance of both – for love, for family, for friends. The party afterwards is the ornament on top of a grateful, joyful day!

 3) Expect the unexpected. During my wedding ceremony, the best man fainted. Once we were sure he was ok, we returned to the flow of the wedding, smiling. The incident added to the story of the day! Laughter solves a lot.

 4) Connect. Hug everybody and savor conversations. Thank each person for being part of the love story on the big day.

As a Life-Cycle Celebrant, I capture the love story behind each wedding and bring this story out for all to celebrate. I feel honored to work with the bride and groom to create a unique ceremony for their special day.